Capoeira - Various styles

There are two main types of Capoeira. Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Ragional.

Capoeira Angola:
Capoeira Angola is the traditional capoeira, Capoeira most original and certainly the most significant sources related to capoeira.
Angola Ningolh word comes from the word, spread zebra dance.
Capoeira Angola by the slave actually SOHKI First, because of lack of space had to practice in Hsnzlot (slave pens). Small structures, sometimes a chicken coop, sometimes a small metal frame, these were the training Hkfoaristim first scene, and therefore the essence of Capoeira Angola is a small game and close to the ground, broken movements and expression .

Slow game that involves a series of low flows and use of balance.
There is an emphasis on beautiful execution of the movements themselves.

Master Pastinha Fastin (1889-1981), a highly respected Master, who fought with Mestre Bimba Capoeira is played crime.

Once freed slaves, capoeira began to evolve in many directions. Capoeira came to light, were added to the large, fast kicks and acrobatics added, which attracted many young people. Although there are still many who continue to maintain the traditional practice capoeira players Capoeira Angola, and kept existence.
The first academy of Capoeira Angola Mestre Fstz'inih opened by the father of modern Angola. Capoeira Academy opened near his Master of Rg'ionl Himba, which led to rivalry between two schools. Fstz'inih accused the destruction and removal Himba Hkfoaristim Capoeira their sources, and forget the period of slavery.
Today, many groups still trains Angola style, and many groups are groups Angola, and specialize in style.

Capoeira Ragional:
Founded by Mestre Bimba Mestre Himba (1900-1974), capoeira is a type commonly used today.
This is a fast game with all the existing poultry movements. There is a manual acrobatics and balance, but the emphasis is on images of war.

Hmiose'inio is a unique style Lkordao J. Oro, and was developed by Master Soasona Media: .. Tiny This is basically the reaction Soasona Angola.
Many children have lost interest in Capoeira Angola, as it is outdated, slow and unattractive. Trying to preserve the resources of Angola, Master Soasona tried to develop a style on the one hand, preserving Capoeira Angola-old, but otherwise, people will Atktibi young people who are looking for new challenges.
This guide was developed Hmiose'inio - style of game that contains the movements of Angola, but music played fast and bouncy and cheerful.

Damned - MaculelĂȘ:
Cursed is the kind of poultry is more integrated today Folk Dance Capoeira training around the world. Cursed is the dance / fight that is made with the traditional wooden sticks, and the more experienced fighters can use knives cane sugar.
Pace set by the conga (drum) and fourth in the pace of the fight to hurt your opponent's stick.
Damn well known style of his voluntary movements.

Jonas - Iuna:
Iuna is a kind of capoeira Ragional.
Name of the game's acrobatics. This is an opportunity to show all the movements that make the lighting of poultry a game exciting and exhausting. No use of aggression, use three kicks Blbbd Debussy, untouched.
Most games are pink (Wheels), to mention Kfoirist unknown.

Bangla is the kind of game mixed Regional and Angola.
Most of the game is to get close to the opponent This type of game is not as acrobatic flips and the like have a basic stunts (as Lick, Howe - Salt, Piao intake) more shares main cast in this game and fight without the use of form aggressive .. Bengal game is relatively new. Not as old as Angola and cursed. Not all groups played as groups who maintain their customs and traditions of Capoeira (Capoeira Angola, Capoeira ABADA).
The difference between Bengal and Hargweinal and Angola is played slowly (as in Angola), but there is much movement (as Bergweinal). Of course there are also various types of tune songs and cheers.

2. Types of Capoeira games:

There are all kinds of capoeira games more used and less used.

One is the pink samba rhythms G:
This rhythm is a kind of samba dancing, no shots or anything that you see normal poultry.
Only a dance, usually replacing people dancing is similar in principle L "knih" do
In a normal game, when you want change, then he needs to "push" the other as unique or original
And so continues the G Samba rose.

More pace is not so familiar is the Amazon:
Amazon is a kind of game that mimic animals (such as ostrich, cat, dog etc'...)
Unique rhythm game.
This is a game of creativity, there is no clear exercises that anyone can think of exercise animals and immediately
Ruda them.
Amazon is a good player creative player who can combine a lot of animals and exercises correctly and right
The game.

A rhythm game little Santa Maria:
This game is also characterized by a unique rhythm, play the game as Angola or Banigle game.
Aunt water bill center, capoeira players playing two games on the bill (ground game).
But the goal is not to try to get the money directly, but to build a beautiful and varied game.
The goal is to make the bill with his mouth.

Rhythm Haydialina rarely see today is:
This is the kind of dance of capoeira was illegal.
When they saw a police officer or a law directly passed to the rhythm of Haydialina and began to dance.
To disguise the fact that they are doing Capoeira.

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