
What is Capoeira?

capoeira master
playing birimbau

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art originating in Brazil from africa. The method combines elements from the world of martial arts, dance and music. Capoeira was developed in the 16th century by slaves brought from Africa (Angola) Brazil.

Capoeira has allowed African slaves to preserve their culture and practice the martial art disguised as dance. When completed, the period of slavery caused economic hardship was created to overcome the development of crime and criminal groups. 

Capoeira was soon associated with crime and in 1892, spending Capoeira was prohibited. Prohibited from practicing capoeira! Pena broke the law was to cut the Achilles tendon. So created a special song to warn the public of trainees bailiffs tune called Caballero (cavalry). Capoeira Mtamni adopted nicknames to hide their true identity, and still preserved the custom of giving nicknames practitioners of Capoeira. 

Only in 1918 was authorized to practice Capoeira, and in 1937 opened a Himba master of capoeira school after demonstrating the first president of the Heritage Capoeira Brazil. Capoeira has been recognized as a national sport of Brazil. Main styles of capoeira Capoeira there are two main styles: Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Rgionl. Capoeira Rgionl Modern style of capoeira created by Master Himba. 

Capoeira acrobatics spectacular Rgionl characterized with high heels and a roundhouse. Rgionl Capoeira has a strong character of the martial art of Capoeira Angola. Capoeira Angola Fstinih leading Capoeira Angola, he Mestre (Master Pastinha) in 1942 opened the first school of Capoeira Angola in Bahia. 

Capoeira Capoeira Angola is more traditional, as was learned from the African slaves. Capoeira Capoeira Angola is largely ceremonial, lower transactions and hands touching the ground most of the time. Rose If you saw the Capoeira Mtamnimbmagl excited about Brazilian music, it's called a pink circle. Tia is a circle of practitioners of capoeira called "pink".Participants have an active circle clapping and singing. 

Always Ruda two participants performed a battle with the opponents mark the movement. Capoeira is longer and less punches kicks and some moves are more for show than actual use as a defense or attack. Capoeira and fitness Capoeira training combines many elements of fitness: agility, speed, strength, cardio endurance, explosive strength and flexibility. 

All these elements are reflected in training Capoeira, which is why capoeira training at the end you may find yourself with a shirt soaked with sweat. High kicks, head of the body weight by hands acrobatic splits all the muscles that require very powerful CORE. Capoeira training workout can be very high-impact aerobics and other side shows the nature of training exercises with high intensity strength, especially in positions that carry the weight with one hand.

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