Foi na Bahia \ meu patua

Foi na Bahia que eu mandouei fazer
Foi na Bahia que eu mandouei preparar
Meu patua meu pai, meu patua
Meu patua para me proteger 

Foi na Bahia que eu mandou\ei fazer
Foi na Bahia que eu mandou\ei preparar
Meu patua meu pai, meu patua
Meu patua para me proteger 

Capoeira songs


aide e uma negra africana,
tinha mandinga no seu cantar
tinha os olhos esverdeados
e sabia como cozinhar,
sinhozinho ficou encantado
e com aide ele quis se casar
eu disse aide nao se case,
va pro quilombo pra se libertar, aide!

Capoeira - Various styles

There are two main types of Capoeira. Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Ragional.

Capoeira Angola:
Capoeira Angola is the traditional capoeira, Capoeira most original and certainly the most significant sources related to capoeira.
Angola Ningolh word comes from the word, spread zebra dance.
Capoeira Angola by the slave actually SOHKI First, because of lack of space had to practice in Hsnzlot (slave pens). Small structures, sometimes a chicken coop, sometimes a small metal frame, these were the training Hkfoaristim first scene, and therefore the essence of Capoeira Angola is a small game and close to the ground, broken movements and expression .

What is capoeira

Capoeira fun sport! The combination of body and soul, fighting and dancing, music and voice calling to the spiritual and physical. 
The emphasis is not on how to sing or how much energy investors, but will continue to try. 

Types of Capoeira 
There are two basic kinds of capoeira. Capoeira Capoeira Angola and Ragional. 

Capoeira Angola is the traditional capoeira, capoeira's most original and certainly the most intimate sources of capoeira. 

How to play capoeira

capoeira players
Capoeira game objective is not to hurt each other, but being friends in the game, playing Capoeira is like conversation, every kick or movement as a word or phrase that you receive the answer in the form of a movement or a kick, like a conversation. 
Have to play fast and aggressive, and they did not slow and interesting, depending on the pace of the game


What is Capoeira?

capoeira master
playing birimbau

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art originating in Brazil from africa. The method combines elements from the world of martial arts, dance and music. Capoeira was developed in the 16th century by slaves brought from Africa (Angola) Brazil.

Capoeira has allowed African slaves to preserve their culture and practice the martial art disguised as dance. When completed, the period of slavery caused economic hardship was created to overcome the development of crime and criminal groups.